
Employee Ownership: the secret to a successful exit

Selling a company for the price and on the terms that you want will never be as straightforward as you would hope. To get your business sale ready you’ll likely need rising profits and great systems in place. These, of course, will usually only be realistic goals if you have been able to attract and […]

Employee Share Schemes – What happens if an employee leaves?

So you’ve decided you want to implement a share scheme for your employees. What happens if one of them leaves? Obviously one of the reasons for implementing your share incentive may be to avoid this scenario but sometimes things happen that you cannot pre-empt. First it is important to understand the legal distinction between an […]

How do EMI Options work?

You may have heard about Enterprise Management Incentive (EMI) Options and that they are a great way to structure a tax-advantaged share option scheme for your employees. But what exactly are they and how do they work? To keep the favourable tax treatment that makes EMI Options so popular, the scheme must be registered with HMRC […]

Our next succession planning workshop – 13th February!

As business owners we all have something in common: we have to accept that we cannot run our businesses forever. What do you want for yourself and your business? Have you considered all of the options? Will your business be ready for you to leave when the time comes?  Our succession planning workshops offer an […]

7 reasons to consider an employee share option scheme for your business

An employee share option scheme for your business will compel you to think strategically, about how you are going to communicate it to your team, and how you are going to design it. Here are our 7 reasons to consider an employee share scheme for your business, along with guidance on what you should be thinking about […]

What are the requirements for an EMI Option Scheme?

As with all tax-advantaged arrangements, an EMI (Enterprise Management Incentive) option must not be granted as part of a scheme or arrangement the main purpose of which is the avoidance of tax, and as such must be implemented for commercial reasons. EMI Options can be a powerful way to attract, retain and motivate key employees, […]

4 things to consider before implementing an employee share scheme

The need to attract, retain and motivate key members of your team (whether they are current or potential managers) is critical to the success of your business. An award of shares or options can be a great way of achieving this, but there are a number of key things to think about before moving things […]

Selling your Business – The Legal Process

Getting your business “sale-ready” can be a tough enough task in itself, but finding a buyer who is prepared to pay the price you want (at the time you want) may be the main hurdle to your retirement plans. If you are lucky enough to get to the point that you have a buyer waiting […]