Corporate Blog

Selling Your Business: Fail to Prepare, Prepare to Fail

There’s a lot to think about when it comes to selling your business. Being prepared can make all the difference – you don’t want to leave yourself in a position which results in the sales process taking up so much of your time that there is a detrimental impact on your business. Being aware of […]

Preparing your business for sale? Here are our top 10 tips…

Many business owners think they will easily be able to sell their business to a third party when the time comes. In fact it can be daunting and a lot more challenging than might at first be imagined. Planning in advance is vital to make the process of selling your business a bit less scary. Here are […]

From Innovation to Changing the World

In this final Blog in our series on innovation we describe the final challenge for us with our succession planning tool: getting the product into the market.  Those who read my previous Blog in this series on the story of Watt and Boulton will know that it took them 20 years to get their new […]

From Imagination to Innovation

The light bulb moment in Twickenham in 2011 was the realisation that planning for a sale to your management team, a sale that you as a vendor would fund, could be a very powerful approach to succession planning.  The vendor-funded management buyout is the point in time when the owner cedes control of the team.  […]

Vendor-Funded Management Buy Out : A Success Story

You may have noticed we think the VF-MBO is a great way for owner-managers to unleash the entrepreneurial spirit of their team whilst ensuring an exit in a tax-efficient way on terms acceptable both the owner and the team. This blog looks at a client who we helped to do just that. Background The founder […]

Top things to consider with a Vendor-Funded Management Buyout

A vendor-funded (or “owner-funded”) management buy out can be a great solution for business owners who want certainty when it comes to the sale of their company. You can decide when you sell, you’ll trust the buyer(s) and are far more likely to get the price you want and need. But a VF-MBO isn’t without risk. […]

Culture and Values: the fundamental building blocks of a business

Having worked in 4 different law firms in my career I had a sense (a very vague sense) that each of those businesses had their own distinctive culture.  To an observer without an intimate knowledge of the people who worked in each business they would all have seemed pretty similar. The simple truth is that […]

Eight reasons to choose a vendor-funded management buyout

Motivate your team Used in the right way planning for a VFMBO can be a great way for you to help your employees to think like business owners.  It also empowers you, the business owner, to step back and think like an investor. Sell your business to a trusted buyer The buyer is your team, […]

Our next succession planning workshop – 1st May!

As business owners we all have something in common: we have to accept that we cannot run our businesses forever. What do you want for yourself and your business? Have you considered all of the options? Will your business be ready for you to leave when the time comes?  Our succession planning workshops offer an […]