Many owners expect they will know the identity of the likely buyer of their business. They expect they will be able to handle the negotiations themselves and will not need a broker or corporate adviser to represent them. In this case the owner we were representing (I will call him John) had personal experience of […]
What to expect when it comes to selling your business
You’ll only sell your business once so inevitably when the time comes you may well be unsure as to the process involved. Getting your business ready for a sale can be a challenge in itself. If you’re ready to sell and have received an offer from a prospective buyer then you’re in a great position, […]
Selling your business: three common myths
So the time has come when you are giving serious consideration to selling your business. For many business owners such a sale will first and foremost be an emotional challenge. There will also likely be significant commercial and legal issues and often tax consideration with which to grapple. With all that potential complexity it is […]
Top 10 tips to prepare your business for sale
You only get to sell your business once and getting the right price at the right time can be a significant challenge if you are not well prepared. Not only that, but the process itself can be a major distraction which could have a detrimental impact on your business. Staying one step ahead and making […]
Which employee share scheme is right for your business?
There are many uncertainties in the world of business and an ever increasing pressure on business owners to look after their team. One great way of attracting, motivating and retaining your key team members is to implement a share scheme for your company. There is a lot of information out there and many different schemes […]
Pass the Reins, Not the Pain – Employee Share Schemes
Setting up your own business is likely to have cost you as a business owner significant financial pain and risk. You may well have had to sacrifice a secure and high salary in paid employment before you took the plunge. Any bank loans will have been subject to personal guarantees and perhaps secured on your […]
Giving Shares to an Employee
You may have hit upon a New Year’s Resolution: motivating one or more key team members with shares in your company. You know they have no money to buy the shares, so instead you plan to give them the shares. But they will not thank you if your gift gives them an unexpected tax bill! […]
Case Study on Employee Share Schemes
Are you: Working harder and harder in your business? Unclear on how you will ever be able to take a step back? Reliant upon the key members of your team but worried they might leave? A recent assignment for an Oxfordshire company brought home the importance of open and transparent communication when it comes to […]
Employee Share Schemes – Do I need a Shareholders’ Agreement?
If you’re implementing an employee share scheme for your business you may wonder whether or not you need a Shareholders’ Agreement to govern the relationship between the shareholders. Assuming you, as business owner, will retain a “controlling interest” i.e. more than 50% of the issued voting share capital of the company, you will retain one of […]
Share Incentives – What happens if someone leaves?
If you are looking to implement a share scheme for your key employees you should consider whether the employees can take the shares with them if they leave. If you conclude that the shares should be transferred if they go, either to you, all the shareholders, or back to the company, you will need to […]